My trainings are used to acquire new skills, improve and strengthen behaviors that help achieving specific goals. These are workshops carried out with active methods involving all participants, both during mini lectures, group and individual exercises, tests, discussions or scenes. They are based on a very practical approach – discussed topics and simulations of real professional situations. Each participant learns about his predispositions, acquires new skills during exercises, and expresses his views and shares his experience during the discussion. Participants can count on the incomprehensible issues through individual consultations with the trainer. The knowledge conveyed during the training is based on achievements of contemporary social psychology. Outdoors trainings are also possible.
Example of training packages
- Fundacja dla Somalii
- Grupa Producentów Owoców „Polskie Jagody”
- GTECH Poland
- Instytut Rozwoju Biznesu
- IOM Międzynarodowa Organizacja do Spraw Migracji
- Polski Instytut Dyplomacji imienia Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego
- Pudliszki – HEINZ Polska
- Staromiejski Dom Kultury
- TGE Towarowa Giełda Energii
- Fundacja Ocalenie